Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kyah-10 months old

Kyah turned 10 mos old on June 7th! She weighs 18 pounds and 2 ounces and I have no idea how long. She is the sweetest little girl that God could have blessed us with-We love her more and more everyday! She has a big smile that shows her 2 teeth! She has quite the personality and once she warms up to you she likes to be the center of attention. She sings and dances, does patty cake, claps (loves clapping to 'If your Happy and You Know It),' and does arms up and down. We think she is very smart, but I guess we are somewhat biased. She is now standing up, but we are still waiting for her first steps! It seems like yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. We are enjoying every minute of each new milestone that she reaches! WE LOVE YOU KYAH MARIE!


  1. Hi Tanzie! Your blog looks great!
    Here are my favorite sites for places to get different backgrounds to choose from. Just open them in a separate window and copy and paste what they tell you to (it took me forever to figure this out!)
    I like the one you have, by the way- don't think I'm pressuring you to change! :)

  2. Hey Tanz- You'll probably get tired of my comments, but I have to say:
    Kyah is SO precious! I love the picture of her under the chair. Priceless!

  3. Hi Guys!
    Your site is great! The boys want to do their own now and start a web show. We'll see how that goes! Kyah is growing so fast! Mark, congratulations on your youth leader position!

    Heather R.

  4. Heather that would be great to see pics of the boys and see how they are doing! I think it is a wonderful idea. It pretty easy, but if you have any questions or anything call or e-mail me and I will help in any way. It took me awhile to figure everything out, but once you do it's not bad. Good Luck boys!! We love you and miss you so much!!

  5. Have I told you how much I lOVE her! I was watching the video and laughing out loud with her because she was laughing and then I was crying because I am missing so much of her life! I am so glad you made this website! I love it! I love you guys too!
