God had been dealing with Mark for months-giving him insight into the Bible like never before and putting on his heart that he needed to do something. We prayed that God would show him exactly what He wanted from us. Well, several months later an opportunity came to start a youth group at a local church. The pastor is Mark's uncle and from one comment months ago-turned into a God opportunity. We are now at Atkins
Free Will Baptist Church leading the youth. We have really enjoyed being part of hopefully expanding God's Kingdom and serving Him in a way that absolutely glorifies Him. It is our desire that people not just know of God, but have an intimate relationship with Him daily. Our prayer is that ALL of out friends and family share an Eternity In Heaven with us. We truly hope that even this website will help reach people for Jesus Christ. Please, if you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior, then please do that today! Contact us if you would like and we will try and help you in any way possible. We Love you, more importantly God loves you!