Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Coming in October

Tasha and Josh are expecting their first child...a little girl! We are so excited for them! They are still trying to pick out a name, so comment if you have any suggestions. They are looking for an inspirational name (or inspirational meaning of the name).
Mark likes Kaylee, Brynn, and Bailey (not sure if any of them are inspirational, but he likes them). I like the 1st two-we considered them, and I like Bella, and Kylie. I will try and think of some more...I can't think of many right now.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day Outing!

Mark wanted Outback for his Father's Day dinner on Saturday (I didn't complain)

(And as you can tell neither did Kyah)!

We then went to the Christian Book Store so he could pick out a cd

and Kyah had a BLAST!!

She was everywhere and playing harder than I have ever seen her.
I just kept laughing because one minute she was on the slide (I mean literally going up all by herself), then walking with the assistance of the chair, and then pushing the table. It was so funny...it was one of the best moments. She had so much fun!!

She was making me nervous, but she was on a mission (several, in fact). She actually went up the slide all by herself several times without needing Mark or me. She is fearless.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bag Baby

Kyah loves to play with my purse and her diaper bag.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm Just Curious Mom

Kyah Loves to play (and eat) the dogs' food.

Get into ALL of the cabinets,

And drag everything out of the fridge.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Chatter Box

Kyah has been really 'talking' lately. We love to listen to her babble on and on (or at least she does at home). I tell people how outgoing she is and how she 'talks' all the time. They ususually look at me like I'm crazy because all she does is stare at them...well here is proof that she does 'chat' all the time! (I had some more, but they take to long to download)!

Dancing and Playing

Kyah loves music. In the first video we are listening to Gospel Music Channel. This was also when she first started standing up on her own.

The second video she is watching her "Your Baby Can Read" videos that her Grandpa Foster got her. She really enjoys them.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kyah's 1st Swimming Expedition

Kyah had a wonderful time going swimming for the first time. She loves baths, so we figured she would love to swim as well. We were right. We had a blast!! She didn't get upset one time.
Isn't she so CUUUUTTTTEEEE? Kyah's friends, Halle and Cate, gave her the swim suit and it is adorable!
I think the videos are really cute, however, I am not happy about me being in them (voice). So, please everybody try to ignore me and focus on Kyah, which I am sure you do anyway. Thank You!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hello Friends and Family,

We are really excited about doing this blog-website. I think it is really going to be special to our friends and family that do not get to see Kyah or us very often. We actually have a lot of family that have never met her. My friend Becky has been doing one for awhile now and I think it is really cool. And now that we have the internet again-this will be a great way to keep in touch. We hope that you enjoy it! Looking forward to reading your comments!! Love,

Mark, Tanzie, and Kyah

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kyah-10 months old

Kyah turned 10 mos old on June 7th! She weighs 18 pounds and 2 ounces and I have no idea how long. She is the sweetest little girl that God could have blessed us with-We love her more and more everyday! She has a big smile that shows her 2 teeth! She has quite the personality and once she warms up to you she likes to be the center of attention. She sings and dances, does patty cake, claps (loves clapping to 'If your Happy and You Know It),' and does arms up and down. We think she is very smart, but I guess we are somewhat biased. She is now standing up, but we are still waiting for her first steps! It seems like yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. We are enjoying every minute of each new milestone that she reaches! WE LOVE YOU KYAH MARIE!

New Youth Leader in the Family

God had been dealing with Mark for months-giving him insight into the Bible like never before and putting on his heart that he needed to do something. We prayed that God would show him exactly what He wanted from us. Well, several months later an opportunity came to start a youth group at a local church. The pastor is Mark's uncle and from one comment months ago-turned into a God opportunity. We are now at Atkins Free Will Baptist Church leading the youth. We have really enjoyed being part of hopefully expanding God's Kingdom and serving Him in a way that absolutely glorifies Him. It is our desire that people not just know of God, but have an intimate relationship with Him daily. Our prayer is that ALL of out friends and family share an Eternity In Heaven with us. We truly hope that even this website will help reach people for Jesus Christ. Please, if you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior, then please do that today! Contact us if you would like and we will try and help you in any way possible. We Love you, more importantly God loves you!